Diamond Dotz - Diamond Painting Kit - Jive'n
Diamond Dotz Jive'n
Jive'n Design
Skill Level Beginner
Design Size: 23 x 26cm
Make your own dazzling pictures with this unique style of crafting "diamond" like facets
Simply pick the Diamond Dotz up and place them on the specially designed colour printed fabric
Kit contains: high quality colour printed fabric, Diamond Dotz pre-sorted by shade, Diamond Dotz craft tray, stylus, soft grip
and wax caddy, complete pictorial instructions
Easy, relaxing and quick making it possible to complete even large size designs in a matter of days
Please note this is not for the finished item and is for a kit to make the finished item
We also sell a variety of other Diamond Dotz kits, accessories and craft products in our eBay store please feel free to take a look
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